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Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotions!

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Aug 09, 2008 10:18 pm Women With Issues Series Part 5: Orpah By Brandon Bracey.
Brandon Bracey
Topic: Orpah: Knowing God's Purpose For You With No Deviation
Scripture: NKJV: Ruth 1:14," Then they lifted up their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her."

There is nothing that turns a man on like a woman who sets a goal and goes about getting it. Well, some men anyway... There is nothing like a woman who is strong enough to go after the vision that God has given her and active enough to pursue it diligently. This woman is like Wonder Woman, who would beat up the bad guys who got in the way of her achieving her way to victory. Do you remember watching Wonder Woman when it came on in the 80's? I am not sure, but it may still come on some stations now. If you have ever seen Wonder Woman you know that woman was bad! She was beautiful too....anyway that's another sermon. But honestly, if you see the Wonder Woman show on television please email me and give me the station! See a real woman knows that she is not limited by her environment,class, or status when it comes to God's purpose for her life. She knows that once she starts operating in her purpose, the blessings are coming down! I realize that my purpose for being in Seminary is to prepare to be a Pastor. Now if someone told me I needed to quit Seminary and start working in a church right now, I would look at them like they have lost their minds! I might even say," Get behind me Satan!" Simply because I know what God has called me to do and where I am supposed to be! I know what my purpose is!

One of the most tragic things in our spiritual journey is never finding out your purpose. For without knowing your purpose, you are a fish out of water which just lays waiting to die. But God has given everyone a purpose. The Bible says in Colossians 1:16," For everything, absolutely everything above and below, visible and invisible;... everything got started in him and finds it's purpose in him." God predestined us with a purpose even before we were born. Isaiah 44:2a states," I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Some women have the idea that their purpose in life is to find a man as soon as possible. If that's your purpose in life, then you must have a miserable life. Why in the world would you spend your whole... or even half of your life looking for a man when the Bible says that when a man findeth a wife he findeth a good thing? Okay... I have already gotten two extra sermons going so far...lol. What I am trying to say is that when you operate in God's purpose for your life, no man, job, money, or whatever is going to knock you out of your purpose if you are truly seeking to do God's will!

As you see in the Book of Ruth,Orpah was a woman of Moab and she had a Mother-In-Law named Naomi. Eventually Naomi suffered the death of her husband Elimelech. Her daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah married her sons, Mahlon and Chilion. Her sons died as well. Naomi was now left with no one,but still had her daughters-in-law Ruth and Naomi. Naomi and her daughters-in-law set off for Moab, but Naomi tryed to persuade them to go back to their own families. Both Ruth and Orpah show concern for Naomi and Ruth's loyalty proved to be unshakable, while Orpah kissed Naomi goodbye and returned home.

What is Orpah thinking! Has she lost her mind! How could she leave her mother-in-law like that! This was a very important transitional moment in Naomi's life! Why could'nt Orpah be more like Ruth, who is the hero? This is so selfish of Orpah... or is it? I can imagine Orpah back at home the next day sipping Country Time Lemonade and constantly asking herself," Did I make the right decision? Ruth stayed , but I didn't. Did I do the right thing?" But you want to know what I would tell Orpah if I was there? I would say," Orpah my name is Brandon Bracey and I stopped by to tell you that you were not wrong for what you did. Yes, Ruth stayed, but you can't compare yourself to Ruth. God has a totally different purpose for Ruth's life and it involves being with Naomi. But, baby God has a totally different plan for you! And that plan is just as wonderful as the one he has for Ruth!" If we are not careful we can get so tied up in what others are doing that we can forget God has a special plan for our lives! You may not be able to evangelize like Billy Graham, but how do you know that Billy Graham can sing like you!

I have come to realize that God has for me is for me! It's not for you, it's for me! I commend Orpah for being strong enough not to deviate from what she felt in her heart she needed to do! I believe that we need more male and female Orpahs in the world! Let me ask you this: If God told you that he wanted you to go do missions in Africa, but that same day someone calls you and offers you a one-million dollar a year job what will you do? See, it's not easy being Orpah. Orpah left and I am not mad at her because some people would have stayed, played around, and missed their destiny!

We must know that we have a purpose for being on earth and we must never deviate from that purpose. I do not know if anyone has not read " The Purpose Driven Life" By Rick Warren, but I recommend it if you are having problems finding out your purpose. I truly believe that the first step to finding out God's purpose for you on this earth is to ask God through prayer. The Bible says in Matthew 6:11," Give us today our daily bread" which shows me that God is ready to supply our needs if we will just ask him. You do not have to wind up in China, when you belong in Africa! God is ready to reveal to you the vision he has for your life!

Also never let anything deviate you from your purpose. This is one of the devil's goals. The devil also has a purpose and goal. That is to steal your vision, kill your hopes, and destroy your future! But the devil is the greast liar this world will ever see! You need to put the devil under your feet by putting on the whole armor of God found in Ephesians 6. Then after that, understand that in order to stay focused on God's purpose for your life, you must have your steps ordered by the Lord and your priorities right which is seeking first the Kingdom of God as found in Matthew 6:33. When you have your priorities right, doing God's purpose for your life will come much easier for you. Doing God's will for your life is really an obidience thing. As it says in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 your primary goal in life must be to fear God and keep his commandments. That's what being obedient is all about. When you are obedient, God can use you in remarkable ways!

One more thing is that in Joshua 2 there was a woman by the name of Rahab who was a prostitute, but hid spies who were coming to spy out the land of Jericho to take Jericho and destroy it.Rahab lived in Jericho, but she choose to hide the spies. Why? Because she had a vision and she saw things differently from anyone else in her community. Rahab concluded that Israel's God was the real God, and choose the other side. When Rahab did this, she was operating in God's purpose. Even though she was a prostitute, she was still blessed because she was operating in purpose. Rahab and her family were spared when Jericho was taken. When you operate in God's purpose for your life, you are setting yourself up to be blessed! I do not care if you are living on the margins of society! I do not care what you have done, repent and choose the Lord's side! Hallelujah!

I hope you have enjoyed Part 5 of this wonderful Women With Issues Series! Join me for the series finale tomorrow! Remember , God has a wonderful plan for you. Stay focused and God will use you mighty! Be Blessed!

Scripture Reference: Ruth 1

Heavenly Father,
I have been like a fish out of water when it comes to knowing the purpose you have for my life. Please reveal your purpose for me. I pray that I will be led by the spirit as I do what you have called me to do. I repent of anything that I have been that goes against your perfect will for my life. In Jesus name I do pray, Amen.

If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life please pray with me:
Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your only Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and have a new beginning! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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