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Aug 09, 2008 10:17 pm Women With Issues Series Part 4: Bathsheba By Brandon Bracey.
Brandon Bracey
Topic: Bathsheba: Resisting Sinful Situations
Scripture: NKJV 2 Samuel 11:2," Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold."

Some would argue that Bathsheba was a woman of wisdom. Bathsheba, being the beautiful woman that she was, could not help her beauty. Her beauty was overwhelming. I can imagine the beautiful Bathsheba walking around the house with beautiful long hair that flowed like spring water out of a fountain. I can imagine her with a face that made men's hearts tatter like marbles when they come together. I can envision Bathsheba in a beautiful silk nightgown and Victoria Secret langerie as she went to prepare take a bath. I must mention that houses did not have bathrooms at the time, so she was very visible. David was obviously smitten with her. Seeing the beautiful Bathsheba from the roof probably made his jar drop and his tongue wag like a dog. David saw this woman and knew that he had to have her. To David's eyes Bathesheba was like a sweet cherry on top of a coconut cake. If you do not like coconut cake please forgive me, but I do. David went on to inquire about Bathsheba, sent messengers to get her, and then he slept with her. This woman was married so adultery was commited. Some may consider Bathsheba to be very wise because if she had not slept with the King, there could have been severe penalties which included death. Some would consider Bathsheba smart to have slept with the King because she would live to see another day. And besides, what better person to find favor with than the King?

On the contrary, others would argue that Bathsheba lacked boldness and strength. Yes she was beautiful, but what is beauty when your as frail as a mouse. There's nothing worse than a frail rose that has not been watered. It would make common sense to sleep with the King in the natural realm, but the consquences of this scenario go beyond the natural. In the spirit realm there would be consequences for Bathsheba's actions that would efffect the natural realm. Bathsheba lost her husband and child for what she did. When Bathsheba told David she was pregnant, 2 Samuel 11: 6-12 shows David bringing Uriah, who was Bathsheba's husband and a soldier,home on furlough in the hope that he would have intercourse with Bathsheba and people would think the child was his. When this plan did not work, David plotted to have Uriah killed and verse 17 says Uriah the Hittite was killed in battle. To make matters worse, even though David fasted and prayed, the child that David had with Bathsheba died as 2 Samuel 12:16 said the Lord struck the child and the child became ill. Bathsheba did go on to bear Solomon, but received no other mention in the Scripture until the very end of David's life when she supported Solomon's bid for the throne. Therefore, Bathesheba's affair with King David was the only really notable thing she accomplished in her life, and it was the wrong thing.

Now David is not off the hook. He takes the most responsibility for this disaster because of his initiation of adultery, murder, and there were many consequences to follow. But for Bathsheba, one night with the King truly did change everything. Beauty had been tarnished, pureness had been violated, and holiness was disqualified. Yet, she was only following orders. But the question is when does following orders become a prerequisite to a treasure being stolen, a rose being upended, or a beautiful eagle who loses her wings? In some ways Bathsheba was a victim, but if she had resisted a sinful situation, David's sin may not have been possible. However, from what we read in Scripture, Bathsheba put up no resistance at all.

Without knowing it we can sometimes go along with sin because of pressure just like Bathsheba. There's often intense pressure to marry that man simply because the sex is good? He slaps you sometime, but the sex is good. There's often pressure to cheat on your income tax to save money. There's often pressure to tell your boss off on the job when he's being a complete jerk. There's often pressure to join that gang, simply because they are considered the coolest group in school. But when we do not resist sinful situations, we can find outselves in situations where we are eventually willing to sin even more, even though we know it's not right.

We must first recognize sin for what it is: separation from God. The Bible says in John 8:34-36 that those who sin are slaves to sin and have no place in the family of God. One of the dangers in not resisting sinful situations is becoming a slave to sin, which makes it a way of life to you. But Jesus died for us to be set free from the curse of sin. Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! The reason we are set free is so that we may become slaves to righteousness! Being a slave to sin leads to death and disobedience, but being a slave to righteousness leads to obedience and life.

You can tell when someone is pregant with the spirit of God because they will exhibit the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5. When we live by the spirit we will exhibit the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentlness, and self-control.When we live by the spirit all fleshly desires and passions are crucified. We must put on the whole armor of God as said in Ephesians 6:10-11. Wear the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God! Never go into a battle without armor, for the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8-9 that the devil seeks whom he may devour. Well, when you are ready for battle, the devil has no defense!

Ask God to intervene through prayer and give you victory over sinful thoughts and words and deeds. The Psalmist in Psalm 19:12-14 said ,"Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.."

David was seen as a sinful man in this text, but the Bible later says that David was a man after God's own heart. I believe the reason for that is that David had enough sense to continue to trust in God and he repented of his sin. Psalm 32:5 records David being forgiven when he repented and confessed his sin. We must also be repentant and strive to be the the best ambassadors for the Lord that we can possibly be.

Praise the Lord, we refuse to get trapped in sin! We will live righteous for we serve an awesome God who will deliver victory into our hands! Hallelujah! Thank you for joining me for Part 4 of this wonderful series! Please join me on Tuesday as we continue with Part 5! God Bless You and Have a wonderful day!

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel: 11-12

Heavenly Father,
The devil is constantly whispering things in my ear and my flesh is screaming at me. But I refuse to budge. Your Word says in 1 Corinthians 15:58 to stand firm and let nothing move me. Lord I claim victory right now in the name of Jesus. I am not be a slave to sin, but to righteousness. Holy Spirit lead me and guide me into victory in Jesus name Amen.

If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior please pray with me:
Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. Please forgive me of all sin and I accept you as Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me and in your name I do pray Amen. If you just prayed this prayer cogratulations! You are born again and Jesus is now Lord and Savior of your life! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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