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07/08/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(9/06/06): Tribal Jealousies. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Tribal Jealousies
Scripture: 2 Samuel 20:1

In 2 Samuel 20 tribal jealousies threatened the stability of David's reign. There was a troublemaker named Sheba who had convinced the men of Israel to follow him and desert David. David knew Sheba would have to be pursued or he would do great harm. Eventually Sheba was killed.

Although Israel was a united kingdom, it was still made up of 12 separate tribes. Often, these tribes did not agree on the goals for the nation as a whole. Tribal jealousies had also originially kept Israel from completely conquering the promised land(as seen in the book of Joshua).

This reminded me a little of the church today. There are so many things that can easily separate us. Our own fleshly desires, among other things, have clouded our perspective on being a unified body of believers. There are people who leave churches because they are jealous that someone got a position in the church that they wanted. Then they go to another church and when something happens that they do not like there, they leave that church as well. Also there have been some who left churches to go pastor another church because they were jealous of the pastor's success. Before they leave they cause a cancer in the church and take half of the members with them.

You may be dealing with the spirit of jealousy in your life right now. You may be angry because someone got a position you coveted, or was asked to do something that you did in the church for many years. The sinful part is when you allow bitterness, anger, and jealousy to get in the inside of you. That stuff will destroy you, while the other person has gone on about their business! Galatians 5:19 says that the acts of the sinful nature are discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, etc. Does this describe you today? God cannot bless a bitter person. But God can bless someone who is humble and grateful for others and the opportunities they have been given. God can also use that person for great works. To be humble, thankful, and righteous exhibits the qualities of Jesus. The devil seeks to pull us down through disunity, but God wants to bring us together through love.

Or you may be on the other end where someone is jealous of you. Just keep doing what you are doing. Do not try and seek revenge or talk about that person. Pray and ask God to forgive that person and help them spiritually. Remember, God is our burden-bearer. The battle is the Lords. The bible says in Psalm. 50:15 to call on the Lord in the day of trouble and he will deliver you.

When you feel jealousy creeping up in you Repent and ask God for forgiveness. Meditate on the Word. Go to your prayer closet and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. We are coming into a time where the body of Christ needs to be unified now more than ever before. We can do more together, than we ever could separated. Therefore, let's walk in love. Let's allow the power of God to transform our hearts. Then we will see great things happen on this earth.

Heavenly Father,
I bind all anger, jealousy, strife, and dissension in the name of Jesus. I take authority over any demonic spirit that trys to attach on to me. Devil you are a liar. I am thankful Lord for the opportunities you have given me. I will support my brothers and sisters and do great things for you in this earth. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Reference: Life Application Study Bible

If you would like to receive Jesus as Lord of your life, please pray this prayer: " Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. Forgive me of all sins. I make you Lord of my life. In Jesus name, Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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07/07/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(3/06/05)- Fear- The #1 Detriment To Healing. #

Brandon Bracey

Fear-The #1 Detriment To Healing Brandon Bracey
II Timothy 1:7," For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Today in the Body of Christ we have received so many wonderful messages on the healing power of God. We have seen in the Bible how God operates in response to those who are sick. We have seen God's love and compassion when it comes to healing the sick. We have even looked at some things we can do to be healed like getting our minds off of ourselves, standing on God's promises, and helping others. But I have received a revelation in my spirit that I believe is going to impact many people today. I believe people are going to be healed after reading this devotion.

There is someone online today who is sick and tired of being sick and tired! You stand on the Word of God for your healing, but nothing is happening. You help others who are sick and you exercise and eat right. But none of these things matter for you. The reason they do not matter is because you still walk around in fear. You walk around fearful of death. You also walk around fearful of sickness and disease. As soon as more symptoms come the first thing you do is get fearful and start worrying and say," Lord what is going on now! I am not going to be around to see my children have children! I hope I do not die!"

This right here is the #1 detriment to healing. It's one word-Fear. Fear has killed so many people before a disease even eats the life out of their body! Our society has a huge fear of death. Forget that we Christians are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost! If you were to ask Christians who wants to die today you would not get many hands-if any. Death is something that is not welcomed. Psychollogically our minds often automatically associate death with fear, especially when it comes to disease.

The bottom line is until you learn to conquer the fear of death, you will never get healed. It's as simple as that. You can't fear sickness and disease and death and expect to be healed. Satan loves it when we walk around scared of disease and scared of death! Satan loves it because then he can influence us more with thoughts of worry and anxiety which ultimately have led to some people committing suicide!

How do you conquer fear? By meditating on the Word of God until it get's so down in your spirit that it overtakes any fear that's left over! When the Word of God gets down on the inside of you then faith starts to overtake fear. You may be saying," Brandon it's not that easy!" Well, my question to you is have you tryed it? I have tryed it and I know it works! God is greater than any disease and God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! Hallelujah! Don't let the devil or anyone else deceive you into getting fearful about death and sickness and disease!

There are so many wonderful healing scriptures in the Bible and so many good healing tapes and books we can get now. There are so many people with testimonies of healing. So why are we still living of fear? God came to give you life!

The Bible says in Proverbs 4: 20-23 , 20 My son give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings 21 Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart 22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to their flesh 23 Keep your heart with all diligence , For out of it springs the issues of life."

Glory to God! If only we understood how powerful these verses were! It's saying we must always keep the Word of God before us by1) meditating on it, 2) staying focused on it, 3) treasuring it in our hearts! Hallelujah! Once that Word gets inside of you it will transform you from the inside out!

I encourage you to brush that lying vanity called fear to the side today! It has no authority over you! When you do this you'll have the devil on the run and your healing will be right around the corner! Amen!

Heavenly Father, I confess that I have been living in fear to issues involving my health, but that stops today. The scripture has been fulfilled and by your stripes Lord Jesus I am healed! I break the spirit of fear from off of my life in the name of Jesus and I declare boldness and life more abundantly in the name of Jesus! Devil you should have gotten me while I was down because now you are under my feet! In Jesus Mighty name Amen!

If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior please pray with me: Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus I confess that I am a sinner. But I know that you sent your only begotten Son to save me. Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. I make you Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me and in your name I do pray Amen! If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and have a new beginning! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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07/06/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(12/8/04): Difference Between Healing & Miracles. #

Brandon Bracey

Devotion Title: Difference Between Healing and Miracles
Scripture NKJV Mark 16: 17,18," And these signs will follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 " they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

There are people many in the world who have gotten sick with a disease. Often they will believe God to heal them. They will pray a prayer of faith at the outset, but after a while things change. What happens is that often times their faith starts to waver. Why? Sometimes it is because their faith has not been cultivated and appropriated to receive their healing. But other times it is because there is so little clear teaching on the subject of healing and miracles.

When it comes to teaching on healing, one of the main things that may get people's faith to fade is that they start to believe God for a miracle instead of believing God for healing. They start to think," Well my Aunt got healed instantly from cancer. Why did that not happen for me?" While it is true that many people get healed from diseases instantly, this is not always the case. These types are classified as miracles.Confusing healings with miracles has become a particularly common hindrance to many being healed.

When you limit God to miracles you automatically cast away your confidence and faith to be healed. Healing is a progression. In our above passage of scripture found in Mark 16:17, 18 it does not say that that they will lay hands on the sick and instantly be healed or changed. It says that they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. The word recover means progression. In Webster's Dictionary one of the definitions for recover is to regain health, strength, composure, or regain. Recover means to go from a point of being sick to a point of being well.

In the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Paul mentions healing and miracles as different spriritual gifts. F.F. Bosworth, who is the author of the book Christ The Healer states," Christ could do no miracle in Nazareth because of the unbelief of the people, but He did heal a few sick folk there." I do not know who I am talking too online today, but you have been sick for sometime and you expect God to heal you. I encourage you not to give up! I encourage you to stay strong in your faith because your healing could happen at any time! God is not on our timetable. You can wake up tomorrow morning and be completely healed, but you have to have your faith in place. You have to believe that God has already healed you by faith. You have to walk, talk, and live faith. The Bible says In Isaiah 53:5 that by his stripes we are healed! The healing promise is just as sure as salvation. You received salvation because you had faith to receive it. That's exactly the way you must act when it comes to healing, just receive it by faith. In the meantime, God's grace will be sufficient for you because God loves you.

If you are healthy, you may have a family member or a friend who is sick. Cover that person in prayer believing that God will heal. Ask in faith once and then hold on to your faith and believe that God has healed that person. In the meantime, God's grace will be with that person. This works when you pray for unsaved folk too. People that are unsaved are often healed because people of faith prayed for them.I guarantee you that when you hold on to your faith and stand on the word this works every time!

Remember that God responds to your faith. Take a risk by steping out on faith. The people who do some of the greatest things for the kingdom of God are those who risk everything by walking in faith and not by sight. God will do it! Hallelujah!

Heavenly Father,
I love you and I know Lord that you love me. I know that you do not like to see me sick and suffering and your grace is always sufficient in every thing. However, I also know that there are scripture promises for healing. I stand on those promises and receive them by faith knowing that until I see a manifestation your grace is sufficient. I love you Lord and in Jesus name I do pray Amen.

If you have just read this devotion and would like to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life please pray with me:
Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your only begotten Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Jesus I ask that you would forgive me of all sin, cleanse me and make me whole. Lord Jesus I now make you Lord and Savior of my life. In Jesus name Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! Welcome to God's family! You past has been erased and you now have a new beginning! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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07/05/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(7/14/06): Replacing Our Leaders. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Replacing Our Leaders
Scripture: Deuteronomy 3:26-28

I am a firm believer in having Godly mentors. Mentors often have what the mentoree does not have. Mentor have experienced things that the mentoree has not experienced. Mentors are not necessarily there to comfort you like a friend, but rather to help you succeed in life. Mentors are the Golden Key for the mentoree to fulfill his or her divine destiny.

Often mentors will be replaced as leaders in the church, or in an organization, by those they have mentored. They have taught, strengthened, and encouraged, and are now ready to pass the baton to their mentoree. Eventually, every human leader has to be replaced.

Moses mentored Joshua as Joshua was his assistant. Joshua not only played a key role in the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, but also was introduced as the field general of Israel's army. Joshua was the only person allowed to accompany Moses partway up the mountain when Moses received the law. In addition, him and Caleb were the only two of twelve spies to bring back an encouraging report after being sent into the promised land for the first time. Joshua was Moses's constant shadow. Joshua's basic training was living with Moses and experiencing firsthand what it meant to lead God's people.

Effective leadership is often the product of good preparation and encouragement. Joshua received good preparation and encouragement from Moses as he prepared to lead the people into the Promised Land.

This is a great example for churches and organizations that must replace their leaders. First, good leaders prepare people to function without them by discovering their leadership potential. Joshua proved his potential in his preparation period. Second, new leaders must be trained. Moses trained Joshua by letting him see and experience some of the requirements of leadership. Third, new leaders must be encouraged. Sometimes things will get rough and challenging. God knew this when he told Moses to strengthen and encourage Joshua as he prepared to lead the people into the Promised Land(Deuteronomy 3:28).

I personally have had different mentors at different times in my Christian walk. As I have meditated on their teachings, my faith is stirred and I am taught wonderful seeds from God's Word, which will bless me the rest of my life.

If you are a Pastor Or Leader, ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on who should be a Joshua to you. If you are a young minister, ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on who your Moses should be. It is a tragedy to see unprepared leaders and churches unprepared for new leaders. Let's set a new precedent today.

Reference: Life Application Study Bible

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for mentors and mentorees. Thank you for raising up new leaders in your church who are prepared to usher in the second coming of Christ. Thank you Lord for leaders who know the importance of preparing the next generation of leaders. It is my prayer that leaders will be prepared for their positions and that churches will be prepared as well. Lord we know you need ready leaders now more than ever. We are setting a new standard Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life, please pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Lord please forgive me of all of my sins. Cleanse me in your precious blood and make me whole. I ask you Lord Jesus to come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen" If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations! You are saved and a part of the Family Of God! The next step is to get into a good Bible-Based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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07/04/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(9/08/06): Evaluating Our Leaders. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Evaluating Our Leaders
Scripture: 2 Samuel 15:5,6

First I want to say that I am convinced that we need to raise up and develop great spiritual leaders in the body of Christ. This should come before building any more churches or having whatever number of members in the church or ministry. I say this because we really need to evaluate the integrity and character of our leaders. I am afraid that people, if not careful, could fall for the popularity, style, and glitter that comes with a popular preacher or a huge ministry. To be honest with you, I care what people think about my character. I want people to say that Brandon Bracey is a great preacher , but more importantly a person of great integrity and character. To be even more honest, I sin from to time. Yes, I still sin, not intentionally, but often untentionally. There was a situation where I sinned this morning. Sin is still sin and it will destroy you. The difference is that I repent and ask for forgiveness and move on to making things better. All men fail, but the great ones get back up. Unfortunately, for Absalom this was not the case.

A father's mistakes are often reflected in the lives of their children. In Absalom, David saw an amplified version of past sins replayed once again. God had said David's family would suffer because of his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah, which involved adultery and murder( 2 Samuel 11). God did not lie and although David was forgiven, he( just like us) still had to deal with the consequences of his sin. David watched in dismay as his son Absalom ran out of control.

By casually observing Absalom you would think he would make a great king. He was handsome, friendly, had an apparent concern for justice, and was known to make grand entrances. He even had charisma. But hiding under the charisma and charm, was a knack for evil. Absalom was hungry for power, deceptive, and consistently listened to the wrong advice. He plotted against his father to take away the throne. Absalom was on a fast track to self-destruction. Unlike David, who sinned, but repented and came back to God, Absalom sinned and kept on sinning.

We often live or die by our leaders. Evaluate the people you allow to mentor you. Look past the style and charm and see how they handle themselves and others. What types of decisions do they make? Appearance, skill, and position do not make up for lack of personal integrity. A wolf in sheep's clothing will always eventually reveal itself.

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you grant me discernment as I seek to follow the right leaders in ministry. Lord, some people are deceptive and malicious, but I ask that you would forgive them and help them to be better leaders. Also bless those who are leading according to your purpose and commands. Lord I know that anything against your plan will fail sooner or later, so help me Holy Spirit to live according to God's wonderful plan for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

Reference: Life Application Study Bible

If you would like to receive Jesus as Lord of your life please pray this prayer:
"Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. In Jesus name, Amen" If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and now a part of the Family of God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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07/03/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(06/30/04): Message To Pastors: Do The Father's Will. #

Brandon Bracey

John 6:38 Amplified Bible," For I have come down from heaven not to do My own will and purpose but to do the will and purpose of Him who sent Me."

This devotion is specifically for Pastors online and all around the world. However, every person in the body of Christ can benefit from reading this devotion. As I have been in Seminary and doing personal reading, reflection, and study I have seen and heard of Pastors who have faced a recurring problem in ministry. There is a story I would like to share with you. There was a woman who sat in the second pew in the same church for the past twenty years. She was there when the church first got started twenty years ago sitting in the same pew. She has been with the church when others left or passed away. She has been with the church when they changed Pastors numerous times. She has been a very influential person in just about every major decision the church has made. She is now called the mother of the church. Now that her influence has spread people look to her when it comes to making decisions. The Pastor is looked as having a little power, but she has the most authority. This woman gets what she wants when she wants it. She tells the church what they need and they get it. If they do not get it then she will not be pleased. And you better not make the mother of the church unhappy! And you better not ever in your life think about sitting in her seat on the second pew!!! This story I just made up, but the reality is that their are churches that are controlled by people. People actually control the church.

The woman that I just spoke about is really the commentary of what is happening in many churches around the world. Often because the people in the church want things a certain way Pastors get caught in what I call "pleasing the crowd". The unfortunate thing about this is that while the Bibles says in Ephesians 1: 22-23 that Christ is the head of the church, the fact is that in some churches Christ has been replaced as the head. Christ has become the "waterboy" of the church in which people call on Christ when they need him to go do something. Now people have become the stars of the church and Pastors answer to their needs. To be completely honest I am willing to believe that if you take Christ completely out of the church some churches would not even notice.

When Jesus came from heavenly to do his earthly ministry, his whole plan was to do his Father's will. The problem that many Pastors fall into is trying to please the crowd. But what ends up happening is that the Pastor becomes " controlled" by the crowd. You may be saying, " Well Brandon Jesus ministered to the needs of the people." Yes, Jesus did minister to people as we see in Matthew 4: 23-25 when he cured those who afflicted with disease. Also he cured epileptics, paralytics, amd demoniacs. But Jesus was never controlled by the needs of the people. Jesus was intent on doing the Father's will. I was listening to Bishop Don Mears at a church recently and he stated, " If you are controlled by the needs of the people, you will never be controlled by God." I have to agree with this statement. What you will find yourself doing is lots of programs that God did not even tell you to do. You will also find yourself relying on human effort instead of the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

When you are controlled by something or someone it rules you. But when you minister to someone you serve them. As the Bible says in Matthew 20:28 Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many. Jesus took on the role of a servant, but Jesus always knew his purpose and he kept it. This is a wake up call to Pastors everywhere. You are to serve your congregation, but never be controlled by them. The Holy Spirit should be your guide as you Pastor your church. I challenge you from now on to seek God's presence instead of popularity. Seek holy boldness instead of timidity. Do not be scared of losing a large offering, salary, or even status. It's not about you, but about God's kingom being built. Be bold in your position and operate in wisdom. In addition, be sure to be led by the Spirit. Some spoiled people may leave your church, but you can't be controlled by them. Do the Father's will and then you will know that you have performed your calling efficiently

If you have just read this message and would like to accept Jesus into your heart, please pray with me:
I come before you now seeking you. Jesus I have sinned and ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for everything I have done and give me a brand new start. I want to walk with you Jesus. As of right now I make you the Lord and Savior of my life. Lord Jesus I love you and thank you for a new beginning in Jesus name Amen. If you have prayed this prayer congratulations! You have now been born again! Your past has been erased and you have a new beginning. Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can continue to assist you in your new beginning!

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Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotions On Ryze!

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07/02/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(3/22/07): About Your Parents... #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: About Your Parents...
Scripture NIV 2 Chronicles 15:16:" King Asa also deposed his grandmother Maacah from her position as queen mother, because she had made a repulsive Asherah pole. Asa cut the pole down, broke it up and burned it in the Kidron Valley."

I want to share with you a little bit about my personal life and my parents. My relationship with God is a lifestyle and not a habit. I live, move, and have my being in Christ. I have been born again for ten years now. I was born again at seventeen years of age and I am twenty seven now. I have had a wonderful, blessed life.I am the only one in my immediate family called into Ministry, and I believe I may be the only minister( that I know of) in my biological family period. However, my parents do not attend church regularly and do not have the intimate relationship with the Lord as I do. They support me in what I do, but they live their lives differently. Of course, my prayer is that my whole family will develop an intimate relationship with the Lord and truly be born again.

I say all that to say that although my parents do what they do, I know I can't make it without the Lord. Their lifestyle would never persuade or make me give up my intimate relationship with God.The Lord comes before my parents and if I had to choose between them and God, I choose God.

In 2 Chronicles 15:16 King Asa Of Judah made what was probably an emotional decision for him. He removed his idolatrous queen mother Maacah from her position because she made a repulsive Asherah pole. I know it had to be hard for Asa to do it, but in light of his loyalty to God he had to do it.

The Ten Commandments tell us to honor our parents and honoring our parents is God's command. But maintaining loyalty to God is a higher priority. You must also respect unbelieving parents, but still make devotion to God a higher priority. Respect for parents, as Jesus warned in Luke 14:26, should never keep us from following God.

Heavenly Father,
I pray for the salvation and deliverance of my entire family. Give me the strength to stand in intercession for my family and be that light that shines in darkness so that you would be glorified. Any persecution that comes my way, I take it with joy, because my eternal victory is in your Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

If you would like to make Jesus the Lord of your life please pray this prayer: "Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for my redemption. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Amen" If you have prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and are in right relationship with God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church were the Word of God is proclaimed. Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/30/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(11/07/05): Handling Difficult Family Situations. #

Brandon Bracey

Handling Difficult Family Situations By Brandon Bracey.
Key Verse:Genesis 13:8," So Abram said to Lot," Let's not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers."

There is nothing like that one family member who get's on your last nerve! You know... that family member you try to avoid until Thanksgiving or Christmas!? Then just when you think you have seen the last of them till next year, they show up at the Family Reunion! And they always come to the family reunion ready to drink and argue! Is there anybody reading this that knows what I am talking about!? One of the reasons they act like this is because they are often selfish and thinking about themselves. They are not thinking about keeping family peace or showing love to family, they are thinking about what can benefit them and fulfill their personal fleshly desires.

I was thinking about when my brother and I got into arguments. I was a teenager and he was in elementary school! But I did not care that he was in elementary school, I still did not want him playing my Sega Genesis! He could get his own video games! I was not nice to him in this area, because I was being selfish and thinking about myself. So, one day he played a trick on me. One day he decided to be reaaaallllly nice to me???!!! So therefore I let him play video games with me. Then we were playing this fighting game( I think it was called ,"Contra") and he ended up turning on me in the video game and beating me up! Anyways, it does not pay to be selfish.

Lot was going through some major issues. He had lost his Dad when he was young, but uncle Abram stepped in and raised him. It must have been hard on little Lot at times. I have never lost a dad and I can only imagine what it must feel like. But Lot still had good role models in uncle Abram and his grandfather Terah. But unfortunately Lot never developed their sense of purpose.

You may be familiar with the story found in Genesis 13 where Lot and Abram's herdsmen had an argument over land. The land could not support both Lot's herdsmen and Abrams's herdsmen while they stayed together because they were wealthy and had many possessions. Does this remind us of how Christians bicker amongst themselves? Next thing you know we become self-centered, hamper progress toward acheiving goals, and damage trust amongst ourselves. This is exactly what the devil loves to see.

So, wonderful Abram says," Lot let's not argue. Choose which part of the land you want and I will take the other part." Wow! I do not know if I would have been as humble as Abram! But guess what Lot did? Lot saw the whole plain of the Jordan was nicely watered and choose the plain of the Jordan! Who could blame him! If you were in that situation you may have been tempted to do the same thing!

Well, actually you can blame Lot because your character is often revealed by your choices. The land he took was right near Sodom, which was known for sin. Lot was thinking about himself and forgot all about his uncle. Lot choose to make a choice in the wrong direction. He saw the wonderful things that the world had to offer and ended up blending into the sinful culture of his day.

Lot became a drifter. His life was drifting away from God. But now let's take a look a why Abram was blessed for what he did: 1) Abram took the initiative in resolving this conflict: Abram could have easily said," I am not getting into this. Lot you are a fool. I have no time for you." But Abram steped up and took initiative by saying ..."let's not quarrel." Do you have any family members you need to approach today? 2) Abram let Lot have first choice, even if it meant not getting what he wanted: This shows a great deal of maturity. I am not sure I would have handled it as well! Heck, I may have told Lot what I thought about him giving me the "other part". But Abram handled this wonderfully! Do your family members see Godly maturity in you? 3)Abram put family peace above personal desires: Yes, it's easy to curse someone out, but what good is cursing out Uncle Leroy!!!. That will not stop him from acting foolish! We represent a God of peace and love. We should live peaceably with all men when at all possible.

Lot choose the easiest course of action, good pasture and available water. But it was not a God decision. Also Lot failed to see that the temptations of Sodom could also possibly destroy his family. Just because you may be strong enough to resist the temptations, others in your family may not be as strong. Also Lot lost his influence because he because just like the people of Sodom. Instead of Lot shaping his culture, his culture shaped him.

These are just a few things to help us see how we can be a better family in Christ, handle those crazy family members at the Family Reunion and be a better influence on the world! Remember, God wants us to be an influence for him. Then we can be a Godly influence for our families and the world. Therefore, we need to crucify those fleshly desires and come into line with the word of God. Then we will see our family members get saved, the lost get saved, lives changed and transformed, and God will get the glory out of our lives! Amen!

Scripture Reference: Genesis 13: 1-18

Heavenly Father,
Help me to be a constant Godly influence for my family. Help me to hold up the banner of love and proclaim it to my family and the world. Father I crucify my flesh in Jesus name and am determined to make Godly decisions for myself and family. Father I love you in Christ name, Amen.

The most wonderful and important decision you could ever make in your entire life is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you would like to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today please pray with me," Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I am a sinner and I want to be saved. Please forgive me of all sin. I ask you to come into my heart and Lord Jesus I make you Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you for a new beginning. Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and now a part of the family of God! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you with your new beginning!

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06/29/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(7/11/06): Never Neglect Family. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Never Neglect Family
Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:13

I once read that Suzanne Wesley had seventeen children. She habitually set aside the first day of each month to give total attention to her oldest child. Afterwards, she would spend day two with her second child, and so forth. This may help explain the greatness of her son, John Wesley.

What if all parents devoted time and attention to their children? We would probably see more responsible adults right? Eli spent his entire life in service to God. He was responsible for overseeing all worship in Israel. But while he was pursuing his mission, he neglected the responsiblities in his own home. Eli's sons were wicked men who had no regard for the Lord( 1 Samuel 2:12). Eli's sons were priests, but took advantage of their position to satisfy their lust for power, posessions, and control. Eli's sons cheated, seduced and robbed the people of God. There was a situation were Eli's sons treated God's offerings with contempt by taking part of the sacrifices before they were offered to God on the altar( 1 Samuel 2:13-17). They were also eating meat before the fat was burned. This was against God's laws( Leviticus 3:3-5). Offerings were given to show honor to God, while seeking forgiveness for sins. But this was irrelevant to Eli's sons. To top it all off, Eli's sons were sleeping with the women who served there!

What made matters worse was that Eli did not take any strong disciplinary action against his sons. Eli was not only a father trying to control his sons, but also a high priest ignoring the sins of priests under his jurisdiction. Eli was guilty in that he seemingly honored his sons above God by letting them do what they wanted to do. Because of this, God had to take the neccessary disciplinary action that Eli would not take. By ignoring their selfish actions. Eli's sons ruined many lives, including their own. In Samuel 4, Eli's sons died, and Eli himself died a short while after.

First of all to everyone: Never, Ever, let your desire to do God's work cause you to neglect your family. If so, your family will suffer. I do not have children yet, but if I did I would be there for them. I would follow my daughter around the mall, and even put a secret camera in the house to see what she is doing at atll times. lol. No I am only playing. But honestly, what good is it if you win the world, but lose your family?

Also, if you know someone is doing something wrong in your life, do not allow it to continue. I remember a story I read about a woman who allowed her, I believe it was son and daughter-in-law to stay with her. They did not have a job. But they also did not do hardly anything around the house while they were staying with her. They did not wash dishes, they did not like cooking, and didn't even cook the grass. Yet, the mom was willing to continue to provide for them in her home? These are grown people here!

I say all that to say, never neglect family. Be responsible, spend time with one another, and parents spend time with your kids, and love and discipline them. God disciplines us right? Also put God first, then family, then your missionary work. When you do this ,God will bless you and your family tremendously! Amen!

Heavenly Father,
I repent for neglecting my family. You have blessed me with a family and I ask you for forgiveness, and to restore me and my family. Guide me Holy Spirit into making right decisions as I serve you Lord and spend time with my family. Help me make room in my schedule for my family. Thank you Father in Jesus name Amen.

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, please pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Lord I ask you to forgive me of all sin. Please come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Thank you for saving me in Jesus name Amen" If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and a part of the Family of God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/28/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(10/22/05): Fat Albert Christians. #

Brandon Bracey

Fat Albert Christians By Brandon Bracey
Key Verse: James 2:26," As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."

I enjoy getting fed a good word in church. There is nothing like a sermon that speaks directly to you and your situation when you need it! I enjoy wonderful sermons and receiving life-transforming words. Recently, we had campmeeting services at my church. For a whole week of every year, we listen to wonderful sermons from guest speakers in the morning and evening. You talk about getting fed... I felt like I had just eaten a whole buffet! But then it hit me... this was a great meal but if I do not exercise or apply what I have learned, I'll get really big and comfortable!!!

I love Fat Albert. He was cool and he was big. I recently heard a preacher use the phrase," Fat Albert Christians" in one of his sermons. He was referring to people who come to church and get a good word and never operate in service in the church. They get a good knowledge of the word, but never grow because they do not exercise the knowledge. They get fed, but then become comfortable in the pews.

This is interesting because we can easily be deceived into thinking that all we need to do is get a word from a popular preacher and go to a wonderful service and that's it. Then we come home for the rest of the week, eat popcorn, watch Dr. Phil, and say the Lord is good. But God needs us in service now! Yes you need the word, but God expects us to be working to fulfill the Great Commission and to spread love for the building of the Kingdom of God on earth. It may come in the form of preaching, but not always. You could be called to be an usher, work as a greeter, or with the television equipment, or evangelism. Even if you have yet to know what you are truly called to do, you can still lend a helping hand until it is revealed to you by God.

Also service is important for our growth as believers. It allows us to exercise the gifts God has given us, as well as, learn and grow from one another.

In order to not fall into the trap of being a Fat Albert Christian, we must make sure our love life is right. If you are motivated by love, you will gladly go out of your way to serve God. It was love that motivated Jesus to die for the sins of the world. It was love- not nails- that kept him on the cross. Therefore, we should be motivated by gratitude to go out of our way for him. Once we are grounded in love, we can then walk by faith. If you have faith in God, then it should be accompanied by service for the Kingdom of God. Commitment is great and needs to be a part of every Christian's life, but it must be rooted in a heart of passionate love for God for it to last.

Is God still your first love or has a walk for God become a habit that makes you comfortable and feel good? Make God your first love and escape the trap of "The Fat Albert Christian". Your love for God will pay dividends in your spiritual journey and service for the Lord!

Scripture Reference: James 2:14-26

Heavenly Father,
You are my first love and I am committed to faithfully serving you. I am your child and I will be the light that this world needs to see. I will serve faithfully so that you can be glorified through my works. I will be grounded in love. Holy Spirit lead me in my love walk. I love you Daddy in Jesus name Amen.

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the most important and wonderful decision you will ever make in your life. If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life please pray with me," Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I thank you for your shed blood and I ask you to forgive me of all sin. I ask you to come into my heart. I make you the Lord and Savior of my life. Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and are now in the family of God! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/26/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(11/18/07): My Friend Is A Lesbian. #

Brandon Bracey

Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotion: My Friend Is A Lesbian
Scripture: Mark 12:31:" ... love your neighbor as yourself".


When I was in my last year of seminary, I had a very interesting classroom discussion. We were talking about homosexuality and the issues that people who lived the lifestyle faced. Now my professor was a huge fan of being pro-choice and living a homosexual lifestyle. She believed that homosexuals have been mistreated in our society and are in the minority. Before you go crazy, you must realize that seminaries are not always like bible colleges. In most bible colleges the believers believe the same thing and are on one accord. Now in some seminaries you may get everybody claiming to be Christian, but yet believe different things about the bible... that includes the professors. I will just say seminary for me was a battleground.

On this particular day in class, my professor brought in a student at the seminary who was a lesbian. Now I will say that at the seminary I attended, everybody professed to be a Christian and was training for ministry. However we often had many different beliefs when it came to scripture. In class this day over 80% of the class was for homosexuality, while I was of the few who believed the lifestyle was sinful.

The young lady talked about her lifestyle and how she often felt abandoned , or left out of the church. I listened and gave my view on how I believe homosexuality is a sin towards the end of class. We had a good discussion about it and I gave her a hug and also thanked her for sharing.

I considered this young lady a friend while I was at seminary. I have not spoken to her since, but we would probably still be friends till this day if we had kept in touch. She was so kind and loving... yet she was a lesbian.

I shared this because Christianity has an image problem. We claim to love everybody...but do we really? How many of us who denounce homosexuality would have chewed her up in class and then spit her out? How many of us would have considered her lifestyle to define every other part of her character? How many of us would truly care that she felt abandoned and mistreated by the church? What I am saying is that we as Christians claim to walk in genuine love for our brethren, but do we really do that? Or simply do we see those who oppose our beliefs as moving targets that need to be converted?

For some of us it is hard to separate the sin from the sinner, but in order to show true love we must do that. Even Jesus hung out with sinners.... but the interesting thing is that the religious people were the ones who wanted to trap him and challenge him.Even politcially, being influential is good, but not to the point of getting a law in place by any means necessary.

I often have asked myself would I be willing to be a friend to somebody who I was opposed to biblically. Can I eat with a homosexual, murderer, or someone who has commited abortion? Would I take the opportunity to share my testimony with them and pray for them ? If I can't then I have truly missed what loving my neighbor as myself is really all about.

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The best decision you could ever make is to accept Jesus as Lord of your life! If you would like to do that now please pray this prayer:" Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you that I can enter into redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Lord forgive me of all sins and receive me into your family. I am saved, whole, and set free and grateful for your love Lord... in Jesus name, Amen" If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and apart of the Family of God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/25/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(7/12/06): Idols Of The Mind. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Idols Of The Mind
Scripture: Genesis 35:2
Have you ever wondered how sports figures get addicted to steriods? Or how children and adults alike get caught up in the web of pornography? Or even how people start to feel like they need sugar or sweets everyday?
These types of things happen when our thoughts and desires start to become our idols. But it does not happen overnight. It starts out as one thought. A thought or desire is actually a seed. Either you are sowing good seeds for your life or bad ones.
In this passage of scripture, Jacob and his family were returning to Bethel, where God had revealed himself to Jacob when he was fleeing from his brother Esau. But before they went ,Jacob ordered his household to get rid of their foreign gods. Why? Because unless they removed the idols from their lives, it would ruin their faith. Foreign gods at this time were often seen more as good luck charms than as gods. Some Israelites, while worshiping the one true God, had idols in their homes.
Even today some Christians have good-luck trinkets. Jacob knew that idols should have no place in his household. An idol is anything we put before God. But the most dangerous idols are idols of the mind. Idols are not always physical things. When a thought about something gets in your head, if meditated on it then gets to your heart. Before long, it has a hold on you and you start to act on getting those things that you think about or desire.
For me , personally I have struggled for some time with my fascination with women. I see a woman who is beautiful, or talk to a woman who is beautiful. Then I start thinking about her. Then I try to date her. Then we break up because my motives were not right in the first place. First my thoughts were my idol, then when I dated her, she became my idol. Of course, we eventually break up and the cycle starts all over again. Now I am not saying it's wrong to think about a beautiful woman occasionally, but when thinking becomes constant meditation... then it can cause a unnatural fixation.
Remember: Whatever you do not control, will eventually control you. Praise God I have gotten better in this area. Now I try not to sit around thinking about woman or things, and instead I pick up my bible and read it. Or pray in the spirit. See when you develop a passion for God and seeking God, you will start to see that those things that held you in bondage are breaking off your life. Basically, you have to channel your energy in a different direction. It's not easy, but it will save you a lot of hurt, pain, and heartache. Therefore, 1) pray and ask for God's help, 2) focus your energy on seeking and serving God,3) do not feed into what's keeping you in bondage This strategy works for me. There will still be temptations, but you can win with God on your side! Amen!
Heavenly Father, Thank you for strength to resist any thought or desire that tries to destroy me. Help me Holy Spirit to draw close to you, and not feed into those things which have no true reward. In Jesus name Amen.
If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life, please pray this prayer: " Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your only Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen" If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and now a part of the Family of God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/24/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(10/24/04): We Need Christ-O-Crats! #

Brandon Bracey

Devotion Title: We Need Christ-O- Crats!

Scripture: New King James Version: Exodus 18: 21,” Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.”


Election Day, which is November 2, 2004, is a very important day for Americans because it is the day we hire and fire those who represent us in civil government and those who dictate the future of this nation. Listen to these statistics: 1) The Presidential election of 2000 was decided by 537 votes. 537 votes determined who won the electoral college and became president of the United States, 2) The U.S Senate race of 2002: The margin of victory in South Dakota was 524 votes, 3) The U.S House race of 2002: The margin of victory in a U.S. House race in Colorado was just 121 votes.

WOW! That few of votes decided the outcome! I tell you this because for some reason people do not think that their vote counts. They say to themselves,” Why should I vote. It’s not going to change anything.” I heard a Christian say a month or so ago that the government did not affect him and that he was going to simply pray for Godly leaders to be in office. Okay……. Now prayer is wonderful, but you have to get up and vote! God needs you to vote! Just imagine if every Christian in America got fed up and decided to vote for men and women with Godly morals! I believe if every Christian in America got fed up and decided to vote for people with Godly morals that it would turn our nation around! I firmly believe this! The honest truth is that as a whole, Christians have not been doing what they need to do! We have to wake up, smell the fresh brewed coffee and realize that the men and women who are elected will decide whether America will be a moral nation that follow ’s God’s law and guidance or a nation that defies God and does not acknowledge any moral code whatsoever.

Another thing I have heard from people in general is that they are declared democrats or declared republicans, and that they would not vote no other way. But as one Pastor I heard say recently,” I am not a democrat. I am not a republican. I am a Christ-O-Crat!” When Jesus became Lord and Savior of your life you officially became a Christ-O-Crat! I know Momma Mabel and Daddy John voted Democrat all their lives and they aren’t going to change, but you can change! I know Grandma Sue is a lifelong republican and will not vote for anyone else, but you can! You are an Ambassador for Christ! I’ll pray for your Momma,Daddy, and Grandma that they will realize that the people in office are not the creator of the universe. They are not Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord!

Listen to this: Every two years a member of the U.S. House of Representatives can be replaced. Every four years every governor or even the president of the U.S. could be replaced. In six years we could have a completely different U.S. Senate. If we as Christians unify and vote, the nation can be a light of morality and righteousness again! Now let’s say that November 2, 2004 came around and Shaquita said she was gonna vote. But JoJo said he did not want to vote because it did not affect him because he‘s a Christian. Shaquita goes and votes, while JoJo stays home watching the Price is Right. The results of the election comes on later that night and an ungodly person wins the election for their particular office by 1 vote. JoJo would have been the difference. Do not think it can’t happen because we have had some tight elections in the past.

The fact is that we as Christians need to stay involved in this process. I urge you to get out and vote on November 2, 2004. We need candidates who are moral and godly in office because if not this nation will continue to go downhill. God looks to us to represent him on this earth. Do research on what the candidates stand for, pray, and then act. The nation and God are watching.

Heavenly Father,

On November 2, 2004 this nation will have it’s most crucial election ever. I pray Lord that we as believers can come together united and take a stand by voting for godly men and women for office. Lord we are your ambassadors and as your ambassadors we represent you on this earth. Therefore, I pray that we will take a stand on election day for the healing of this nation and for your glory on the earth in Christ name Amen.

You may have just read this and would like to accept Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior. If this is you, please pray with me: Lord Jesus, I need you now. You paid the price for me at Calvary by dying on a old rugged cross. Jesus I ask you to come into my heart right now. I ask that you would forgive me of all wrongdoing and I accept you as Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are now saved and Jesus is Lord and Savior of your Lord! Your past has been forgiven and you have a brand new start. Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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06/23/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(09/30/04): How To Spot A Cult. #

Brandon Bracey

Devotion Title: How To Spot A Cult
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11: 13 New King James Version," For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ."

Brothers and sisters their is something that really concerns me. I have been dealing with the occult this week. Ok, this is what concerns me: Many people in the world wonder does a God exist. You have some people who live their life without purpose and then you have others who are constantly seeking answers. Many of these people turn to religion for answers to the meaning of life. But the problem is that there are so many religions out there that it can be hard to distinguish truth from falsehood! Unfortunately, some people's search winds up leading not to God, but actually to a cult.

A cult is a group of people who's actions are unacceptable to mainstream society. Many cults are still in their first generation and are actually called New Age Movements or NRMS. When I think about certain names it just makes me sick to my stomach! When I think of the names Jim Jones and David Koresh... oh Lord! Now Jim Jones made headlines on November 18, 1978 when 1,000 of his followers committed suicide by drinking a cyanide-laced beverage in Guyana on orders from Jones. Those who refused to drink it were killed. The death toll included 200 children. Then you had David Koresh who lect an apocalyptic Christian sect called the Branch Davidians. Their compound actually burned down in Waco, Texas after a 51 day standoff which involved the goverment. David Koresh, 53 adults and 21 children actually perished as the compound burned to the ground.

This is a sad situation. But it is also dangerous. Just imagine your son or daughter getting involved with this mess! We have to know to spot a cult. Also we need to be able to educate others on cults so their lives will not head to disaster. You have to know first why people join cults. The reasons people join cults include:1) dissatisfaction with mainstream churches, 2) the need for decisions made for them by strong authority figures, 3) the lie that the group will help them grow closer to God, 4) biblical illiteracy: When you do not have knowledge of the Word of God you are definitely susceptible to the traps of the enemy, and 5) cults often target those who are hurting. For example, if some has experienced loss or is feeling lonely, cults can become very attractive. A great example of this would be a woman who has lost her best friend which was her Mom. She never had a relationship with God, but instead was extremely close to her mother. When her mother passes away, the daughter starts asking questions like: Where is my mother? Is my mother in heaven? What really happens when we die? Next thing you know she is out searching for meaning to her life, but possibly in all the wrong places.

We need to know how to tell the real from the fake. We need to know how to distinguish cults from Christianity. Often time because of lies the fake can closely resemble what's real. Let's use the example of a grocery store: It's a little like going to the grocery store. If you go to the grocery store and you ask a person to show you Welch's jelly, but instead they show you Smucker's. But it's just not the same. It's still jelly, but you got Smuckers. Smuckers is not the same as Welch's. They may look the same on the outside, but it's not the same. They may both be jelly, but it is not the same brand. Therefore the ingredients are probably different. If you are not careful you could easily wind up getting Smucker's.You could be decieved into thinking that something is what it is not.The point I want to make is that we have to be very careful in distinguishing cults from Christianity.

Here are 4 things you can use to recoginize a cult from a legitimate Christian church, that I pulled from Changing Your World Magazine:

1) Rejection of the doctrine taught by the apostles and other inspired writers of the Bible( 2 Timothy 1:13-14; Titus 1:9).

2) Unbiblical leadership( Matthew 7:15-20).

3) Unhealthy group pressure and hostility to the truth( 2 Peter 2:1-20)

4) The requirement of separation or isolation from outsiders. Although the word teaches believers to be separated to be separated from the world( Matthew 5:20; John 17:15; 1 Corinthians 5:9-13) most cults require separation that have nothing to do with the Word of God.

Now we know how to spot a cult. I want to say that you do not have to run to a cult. All of life's answers can be found in Jesus! Hallelujah! I proclaim right now that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life as found in John 14:6. Jesus died on the cross for our redemption! We did not have to work for it! We were saved by grace! Because of the shed blood of Jesus I can walk in victory! Yes! Yes! Yes! Now can any other religion offer such a glorious present and future? No way! Jesus Christ is Lord!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending your only begotten Son to shed his blood so that I could receive salvation. Lord Jesus you are the truth and the devil is a liar! I have made up my mind to stay focused on you because the deception in this world is heavy. Right now I pray for my family, friends, and even strangers who are dealing in cults. Father in the name of Jesus I pray for their deliverance right now! I believe your desire is to see everyone in the world saved. I will continue to stand in the gap for them Lord. Father I love you and honor you in Jesus name Amen!

If you have just read this devotion and would like the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, please pray with me: Heavenly Father, You sent your only son because you so loved the world. I know that you love me Father. Jesus I need you in my life right now. You are the only one who can save me. Please forgive me of all wrongdoing. Jesus I receive you into my heart as Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me and in your name I do pray Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! Jesus is now the Lord and Savior of your life and you have a new beginning! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com I can assist you in your new beginning.

Permission To Distribute With Full Recognition Given To Author.

Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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06/22/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(1107/04): Knowing A True Prophet. #

Brandon Bracey

Devotion Title: Knowing A True Prophet
Scripture: NKJV 1 Thessalonians 5:20," Do not despise prophecies"

Happy Sunday to everyone! It's great to be back with you on this wonderful Sunday afternoon! There is a word that I believe will change your life and take you up on a higher level in Christ! Today we will be talking about how we can spot a true prophet!

Have you ever had anyone prophesy over your life? I have had people prophesy over my life before. The gift of prophesy is one of the church's most powerful weapons when it is used properly. Prophecies when used correctly give confirmation and encouragement and also can stir up our faith! But in as much as prophecy is good for the church, it has also been abused. I remember one time a Pastor said that a woman received a prophecy from someone that she would get hit by car on a particular day or week if she left her home. So the woman lived in fear and did not leave her home. I know the person who told the woman this was a false prophet. We need to be able to spot a true prophet and know what a true prophet does. I have from J. Lee Grady, who is the author of Charisma magazine, 8 ways to spot a true prophet. Here they are below:

1) A True prophet clings to the Bible. True prophets do not twist scripture. The Word of God is also a prophet's final authority. For example in 2 Kings 22:1-20 there was an Old Testament Prophet named Huldah. At this name the nation of Judah had backslidden, but Huldad held fast to the Lord. King Josiah learned that the scroll of Moses was missing and then sought Huldah's counsel. Huldah was a woman of the word and she kept the fire of true worship burning. Huldah spoke with authority when she prophesyed judgment on Judah. That prophesy came to pass and she gave a personal prophecy to Josiah that came to pass. True prophets shall not neglect the Word of God even when others consider compromise.

2) A True prophet's words may be confirmed by the Lord. Often times people are not gifted in the prophetic realm and their mistakes bring dishonor to God. For example, a person may be called to be an apostle or pastor, but make prophetic declarations out of ignorance. But this would not have happened if a person had stayed within the boundaries of their spiritual calling. If a genuine Christian makes a mistake in prophecy they should not be labeled as a false prophet. But if they claim to speak for God they should apologize and make corrections. If someone is not willing to be corrected they should not be in public ministry. Often people are not gifted in the prophetic realm and because of spiritual immaturity have the potential of prophesying out of turn. But we all must assume responsibility for any idle words that we may speak. In the Bible it was said about Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:19-20 that none of his words fell to the ground. Samuel was 100 percent accurate and God backed up his message.

3) A true prophet is fearless. The prophetess Deborah is a wonderful example of being fearless. Deborah called Israel to war at a time when the nation was outnumbered by the Canaanites at least 10 to 1. Even her military commander Barak was unsure of victory, but Deborah knew God would defeat his enemies supernaturally. Deborah fought with valiance because she knew what the outcome would be. Although only a few tribes in Israel responding to her ralling cry, that did not dampen Deborah's zeal! She had a bold spirit and she conquered the adversary! When you are a true prophet you will not cower away from what God said, even if everyone else around you does. Also, the opinions and fears of men will not sway you.

4. A true prophet is tested by the Lord in obscurity. True prophets should have spent time in the wilderness. All of a prophet's pride should be gone by the time they reach the platform. A true prophet is willing to remain nameless. You ca have an anointing on you, but if your character has not been tested, the anointing will not be enough to sustain you. Also, true prophets go through periods of brokenness where everything from pride to greed to self-centerness must be broken off of them. In the Bible Elijah came from the backside of the desert to confront the wicked King Ahab in 1 Kings 17:1-7. But Elijah also went through a season of preparation and testing. A true prophet must have intimate fellowship with God and the praises of men must not affect him.

5) A true prophet can't be brought. Do you remember in 2 Kings 5:15-16 when Elisha healed Naaman. Elisha was offered nice things but refused because he did not minister to Naaman for personal gain. Elisha would not allow anything to become a stumbling block for him! The spirit of merchandising is happening in the church today where prophets are asking for offerings before they give personal prophecies. I believe this is wrong because when you stand as a prophet for the Lord, personal gain should not be your main concern.

6) A true prophet can't be compromised by power. Some prophets may find themselves in cozy places on the church's payroll. Then when prophets go visit a church and for example the pastor is in sin, the prophet may be quiet about it if he can come back and get a nice offering. But this is not the way it should be. We can learn from the prophet Nathan in the Bible who served King David as his adviser. Nathan risked everything to confront David about his affair with Bathsheba and the murderous coverup which is found in 2 Samuel 12:1-15. This is the mark of a true prophet.

7) A true prophet passes through God's fire. A true prophet cannot speak for God and then use his mouth to criticize and destroy others. A prophet's speech has to be purified. A true prophet must practice what they preach. A true prophe cannot call God's people to holiness and then live in sin themselves. The prophet Isaiah had to pay a price to speak anointed words by spending time in the fire of God's holiness in Isaiah 6:1-8.

8) A true prophet has compassion. If you see the way Jeremiah prophesied by denouncing Israel's sin and predicted judgment, you might think he was a mean guy. But if we read between the lines, Jeremiah's really did not speak in an angry tone. Jeremiah felt the righteous anger of God at times, but he was usually weeping when he called Israel to repentance. Prophets are needed who will convey God's heart like Jeremiah. His constant weeping led Jeremiah to say in Jeremiah 9:1," Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears". Mature prophets will reflect God's tender emotions while they deliver their message accurately.

Praise the Lord! I hope this helped you to know a true prophet from now on! God is good all the time!

Heavenly Father,
I pray right now that the gifts of prophecy will flourish and be used properly by the church. I pray that those who are called to speak for you will operate as true prophets and not abuse this gift. Thank you Lord for showing me through this devotion how to spot a true prophet in Jesus name Amen.

If you would like to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior please pray with me:
Heavenly Father,
You sent your only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me at Calvary. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins and I ask you Jesus to forgive me of all sins and come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations and welcome to the family of God! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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06/21/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(7/19/04): Message To Christians: Sacredness In The Workplace. #

Brandon Bracey

Psalm 29: 2, " Give the Lord the glory due to His name...

If you are a Christian working in a secular workplace it is not always the easiest thing to do. Often times you may find yourself around fellow employees who are anything but Christian in what they say or do. You may feel like you in an alien world because your thoughts and ways do not match up with theirs. You then isolate yourself so as to not get involved with any mess. But then you do not want to isolate yourself too much and have people start wondering what's wrong with you. Going to work for you has become a painful duty. Yet, you are a Christian and your relationship with the Lord is the most important thing in the world to you. What are you to do?
The fact is that there are many Christians working in secular workplaces. The problem is that many attitudes are, " I do not want to go to work another day." But work was not intended to be a curse. Many people are working only to get enough money to retire, and some want to leave their jobs and go into ministry. But we must understand that God created us to work. Work was not intended to be hard or stressful, but a way for man to be involved with God in his care of the earth. Work was a part of God's plan long before Adam and Eve fell into sin.
In Genesis 2 we are introduced to work as God intended: a nice combination of the work of God and cooperation of man. Work is not what happened because man sinned. But the stress that work produces which includes high-blood pressure, ulcers, and heart attacks is a result of the curse that came from sin. But this is also what Jesus died to set us free from!
Why did I say all that? Well, the reason I said all that is because we often have the wrong attitude on our jobs. Therefore, it has confused the polarization of the sacred and the secular among Christians. Often times we just see work as a duty. We see what's sacred as going to church, bible study, and prayer. To many Christians that is Sacred and everything else is Secular. But if you think this then you are misled. The honest truth is that every work duty should be viewed as sacred if done with a Christian attitude. We Christians should be the ones transforming our workplaces because we are bringing Jesus to the workplace! This does not mean that you have to give sermons to everyone on your job and pray all day and pass out tracts! But just your behavior, thoughts, and how you carry yourself in the workplace can be just as good.
Everything we do we can do to the glory of God with the right attitude. Work is definitely a part of God's plan for your life. But it does not have to include all that awful stuff like ulcers, stress, and heart attacks. You must see your work as a calling from God. Just because you are not a missionary, pastor, or teacher does not mean that your ministry does not have a purpose. At work you can be vital in changing the culture there. It will be because you bring the presence of God with you. Where there are lies, you are truthful. Where there is hate, you bring joy. Where there is strife, you bring peace. Be sure to give God the glory in every area of your life. God has a purpose for all of our lives... and that includes the workplace.
Dear Lord, I love you and give you all the glory. No matter where I am I will have the right attitude. I know you have purpose for my life and that includes in the workplace. I am committed to bringing your presence with me everywhere I go. Lord I love you and honor you in Jesus name, Amen.
You may have read this and want to accept Jesus into your life as Lord and personal Savior: Please pray with me, " Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. Please cleanse me from all sin and I make you my Lord and Savior. I can not go on without you. Thank you Lord for saving me, Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You now have a new beginning! Your past has been erased and your sins have been forgiven and Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life! Welcome to God's family! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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06/20/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(3/25/07): Prosperity: A Blessing Or A Curse? #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Prosperity: A Blessing Or A Curse?Scripture: 3 John 2 NKJV:" Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

Prosperity,,, this word has scared a lot of people in the church. You may have often heard people, just like I have, say something such as," I can't stand those prosperity preachers! They always want money for something!" Prosperity is a very negative word to many people. My personal definition of prosperity is different from some people's definition. This is because I see prosperity being more than just about finances. My personal definition is having all you need to live a blessed life. Or better yet, prosperity is having nothing missing or broken in your life.

Prosperity is taken from the Hebrew word shalom, which means to have wholeness and completeness in life. Prosperity is to be whole and complete and this includes your safety, welfare, protection, provision, mental state, emotional state, physical state, and spiritual state.

In the book of 3 John, the apostle John is writing a personal letter to his friend Gaius. Gaius was a dear friend of John and was very hospitable and kind to John during his travels. In verse 2, John said he hoped that his friend would prosper in all things. The Greek word prosper comes from the prefix eu, which means," to be happy" and from the root word odos," a way or path, also a journey". It means finding happiness in your journey. God wants us to live happy, blessed lives. In the second part of the verse John says,"even as your soul prospers". When your soul prospers, then your mind is being transformed. Prosperity is also internal because it is also thinking acting, and doing the right thing.

This brings us to the question: If prosperity is so wonderful, why do so many people self-destruct when they get money, cars, houses,etc? The answer is that prosperity can be a blessing and a curse... depending on your foundation. Oh goodness, I am trying not to preach, but I really do feel like preaching now!

If you look in the book of 2 Chronicles Chapter 24, King Joash and the nation abandoned God. Everything was going so well in Judah so why did they turn away? They turned away because everything was going so good for them that they got self-sufficient and proud. They started too take God for granted. They forgot the source of their blessings. Prosperous people are often tempted to do things their own way.

While prosperity can be a sign of God's blessings to those who follow him, it also carries with it the potential for moral and spiritual decline. But the key to living a truly prosperous life is to seek God and not things. The Bible says in Matthew 6:33 to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. When you take your eyes off of putting God first, that is when problems will surely abound. I am not a prosperity preacher, but I am a preacher that prospers! Seek God first and your life will be prosperous with nothing missing or broken! You will also be blessed and be a blessing to the world! Don't seek things, promotions,or positions, but seek the One who is the giver of every good and perfect gift! Then you will know for certain that you are blessed!

Heavenly Father, help me to always put you first. I know that as I walk with you , you will supply my every need. Help me to resist temptation. Father, I delight myself in you and thank you for giving me the desires of my heart in Jesus name Amen.

If you would like to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord,please pray this prayer: " Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for my sins. Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and now are in right relationship with God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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06/20/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(3/21/07): Strange Fire. #

Brandon Bracey

Seed Devotion: Strange Fire
Scripture Leviticus 10:1,2 NIV:" 1 Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command. 2 so fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord."

Strange Fire means danger for a believer who tolerates it. Nadab and Abihu were sons of Aaron and leaders of the people. As leaders they had a special responsibility to obey God. But the NIV version of the Bible says that Nadab and Abihu offered "unauthorized fire" before the Lord. What is unauthorized fire? Something that is unauthorized means that it is not approved. Well, the fire on the altar of the burnt offering was to never go out because it was holy( Lev.6:12,13).

It is very possible that Nadab and Abihu brought coals of fire to the altar from another source. Because of disobedience, Nadab and Abihu could easily lead many people astray. This strange fire being offered to God could easily lead to a deformation of the way the offering should be and destroy the people of God spiritually. There is strange fire in many churches today. Some church leaders worry more about how many members they have , rather than who is being discipled. That's "strange fire". Some members care more about their position in the church, rather than seeking the one who gives positions. That's strange fire. Some members worship their church building more than God. This is strange fire.

When we choose to put on this mask of righteousness, while doing things our own way, this leads to strange fire in our churches. No wonder we often become "disfigured believers". If a baby was born with his arm on his head, you would know that it was deformed and that things were not in the right order. Well, strange fire can make disfigured believers who are out of order. Then we wonder why some church folk are self-righteous, arrogant, and filled with selfish desires. Not just members, but leaders who teach their members. And then new converts are lead astray as well. God always has good reasons for his commands. When we disobey we place ourselves in great danger. Leaders ,like Nadab and Abihu, lose their positions( in their case, they were consumed and died before the Lord), and the people of God become open to the deception of Satan. Never tolerate Strange Fire.

Heavenly Father,Place in me a desire to walk in holiness as you do. I pray that you would eradicate our churches of all things that are not of you. Reveal the deception of Satan in our churches and even outside the four walls of the church. I pray for our leaders that they will follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and stay close to you as they lead the people of God. Father let our lights shine so that when people see us they see you. In Jesus name, Amen.

If you would like to make Jesus the Lord of your life please pray this prayer: "Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for my redemption. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin and come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Amen" If you have prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and are in right relationship with God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church were the Word of God is proclaimed. Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

Permission To Distribute With Full Recognition Given To Author.

Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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06/18/08ClassIc Brandon Bracey Devotion(6/14/04): Satan Is My Personal Trainer. #

Brandon Bracey

Ephesians 3:16," May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the( Holy) Spirit ( Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality)."

I have a major confession to make. I have been doing a lot of exercising lately. Guess who my personal trainer is? My personal trainer's name is Satan. Satan has been working me really hard! Just like athletes train for the Olympics eight hours a day, Satan has me working! Satan has been pushing me harder and harder! Actually, he often pushes me to the point of total exhaustion. But then I get this power and I am able to continue! It seems the more Satan pushes me the more powered up I get!

I once heard this Pastor on television say that Satan is our personal trainer. I said what do you mean? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! Satan is set on doing whatever he can to steal , kill, and destroy whatever we do for Christ. But the more Satan attacks, the more focused I get on God! My trainer Satan is pushing me closer to God! The more he attacks my health, the more I praise God for healing! The more he tells me to cuss out my neighbor, the more I share the love of Christ! The more he tells trys to influence people to hate me for preaching the gospel, the more I preach the good news to everyone! Satan is pushing me and I am getting more and more in shape!

You may be wondering where this power to get in shape comes from? This power comes from the Holy Spirit empowering me on the inside to go through the fire! I am strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit enpowers us and is our personal advocate and guide. There is no anointing without the Holy Spirit!

My trainer Satan pushes me but he is not smart. If only he would stop being stubborn and realize that when your faith is rooted in love and you are enpowered by the Holy Spirit no devil in hell can stop you! You are more than a conqueror! You walk in victory in Jesus name! Keep pushing even when it seems like you can't go on! Your breakthrough is right around the corner! You have the power working within you! Praise be to God!

If you are ready to get in shape please pray with me:Lord, By the power of the Holy Spirit working within me, I am more than a conqueror! Lord you are my strength and no devil in hell will stop me from doing all that you have for me to do. I will be all that you want me to be and have all that you want me to have. I will continue to seek you and gain spiritual muscle so that I can be ready for all the wiles of the devil. Lord God I love you and give you glory, honor, and praise in Jesus name Amen!

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06/17/08Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion (7/28/04): Passionate Lovemaking. #

Brandon Bracey

Devotion:Passionate Lovemaking
Matthew 22: 37 Amplified Bible, " And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind( intellect).

Have you ever been passionately in love? No, I am not talking about those wild one night stand sessions with Shaquita. And I am not talking about those back of the car seat spur of the moment things with JoJo! I mean have you ever really truly been in love? Have you ever made love to someone all night long? Have you ever flirted or whispered sweet nothings in someone's ear? No Brandon Bracey is not the doctor of love, but let me introduce you to true love.

True love is not those passionate sessions with JoJo where all you do is have sex. True love is not even endless flirting. Flirting can get your foot in the door, but it will not be enough to keep you in the house. You have to be able to go a little further. You have to flow into a level of intimacy that you have never ever experienced before. This level of intimacy cannot come from a human being. Your husband or wife can only satisfy your needs but so far. You need to come on the love boat with Jesus.

Jesus will hold you all night long in his arms . Jesus will constantly tell you how much he loves you Jesus will whisper sweet nothings in your ear Jesus will kiss you and hug you passionately Jesus will never leave you for another person Jesus will get intimate with you and Jesus will fulfill your every desire I have to admit I am in love with Jesus.

This does not mean that I am a homosexual. See, some men are not secure enough in themselves to say they are in love with the Lord. But see God can be anything for you. He can be your friend, mother, father, brother, sister, or lover. The word Jehovah in Hebrew is neither male nor female. Someone just learned something new right there. But you must also understand that there was not any punk in Jesus! Jesus was strong! Jesus was faithful all the time! Lord I feel like preaching now...

I don't care how your last lover treated you! I do not care who was the last to cheat on you! I do not care who was the last to make you feel unvalued! That's in the past baby! It's time to get yourself someone who's going to be faithful in your life! It's time for you to get yourself someone who's going to nurture you, and share with you, and cry with you, and love you like you have never been loved before! Get rid of the sugar daddy and get with your real daddy! Jesus is the answer to all of your needs!

When you make up your mind to love Jesus with all your heart, mind, and soul you do not have to worry about getting some feeling. The love you have from Jesus is agape love and it is unconditional. It's not based on feelings, looks, status, or wealth. Jesus is true love at his best. O how I love Jesus:)

Dear Lord Jesus, I love you so much. You are so wonderful to me. I am in love with you. I just want more and more of you everyday. I need you right now Lord. Thank you for holding me in the midnight hour. Thank you for loving me when no one else was there. Lord you are true love and I never knew real love till I found you. Thank you Lord Amen.

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If you have just read this and would like to accept Jesus into your heart please pray with me: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I know I am not perfect and I come now asking for forgiveness of any wrongdoing and I invite you Jesus into my heart and make you my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations and welcome to the family! You are saved and your past has been erased! You have a brand new beginning! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

Brandon Bracey Ministries:
Celebrating Five Years Of Online Ministry!


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