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Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotions!

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Aug 22, 2008 10:42 am Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotion: A Million Dollars
Brandon Bracey
Seed Devotion: A Million Dollars
Scripture NKJV Luke 1:48," For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed."

Do you know someone in your life that you just cannot give anything to as a gift? When you get something as a gift for them they say," Oh, you did not have to get me that!" Or when they have a need for something and you try to help them they say," Oh, no way can I take that from you." Does that get on your nerves?!

I am going to be honest and say that it does get on my nerves! But I think that it is because I am not only a giver but also a BIG RECEIVER! Do you want to give me something? Ok, no problem! I receive gifts freely and in abundance!

But God has been showing me how to see things from another person's perception who may not want to receive gifts so freely. God has been showing me that often times it is false humility. Some people believe that they have too much already and some believe that the gift could go to better use for someone who may need it more.

Now these things may be true, but I struggle with this. I struggle because I strongly believe in my heart that the more you have, then the more you can give. I was thinking to myself ," If someone was to give me a million dollars would I keep it?" In a split second I said to myself," Heck Yeah!!! I believe that the more I have the more I can give! I am supposed to be a distribution center and a blessing for building the kingdom right? This just puts more money in my hand to build orphanages, do missions trips, and to support the local church! Hallelujah!

In Luke Chapter 1, when Mary was about to give birth to John The Baptist she said," From now on all the generations will call me blessed." She was not saying it to be prideful, she was recognizing and accepting the gift God had given her. If Mary had denied her awesome position, she would have been throwing God's blessing back at him. Pride is refusing to accept God's gifts or taking credit for what God has done, while humility is accepting the gifts and using them to praise and serve God. Don't deny, criticize, or just ignore your gifts, use them to serve God.

Now you may be saying," Brandon receiving from a person is one thing, but from God is another." Look, I am not saying take drugs from a person or something crazy like that. We are talking about things that can bless you, not curse you! And if it can bless you, it can probably bless someone else as well!

False humility is really pride seeping in. People sometimes take so much pride in how well off they are, that they forget that everything they own is God's anyway! Then the get this superiority complex and do not even realize it! And it is so dangerous because the devil has got people thinking this and it actually stops the kingdom of God from advancing. But it's better to take your gifts and use them to be a distribution center and bless people all over the world!

I pray that you get what I am saying today. To be blessed is to be a blessing

Heavenly Father,
I take authority over false humility and the spirit of pride and bind the devil and his traps. I am blessed and I will use what I have to be a blessing to others. As I give Lord, lay it on my heart to be able to receive blessings so I can give even more, in Jesus name, Amen.

Permission To Distribute With Full Recognition Given To Author

The most important decision you can make is to accept Jesus as Lord of your life. If you would like to do that say this prayer," Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for my sins. I am a sinner in need of a savior. Jesus I repent of my sin and ask you to come into my heart. I make you Lord of my life. Amen". If you have prayed this prayer, congratulations You are saved and a part of the family of God! The next step is to get into a good bible based church where the Word of God is proclaimed! Please email me at: brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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