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Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotions!

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Jul 10, 2008 11:20 pm Classic Brandon Bracey Devotion(10/21/05): The Power Of Unity,
Brandon Bracey
The Power Of Unity By Brandon Bracey
Key Verse: Acts 16:25:" About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them."

Hurricane Katrina brought out something that is wonderful about being a child of God. The devastation of Hurricane opened our eyes to those desperate crys of people who really needed our help. Churches from all over the world came together to help out in the tragedy, whether it was through giving of finances, clothing, food, or other forms of charity. It did not matter what denomination, doctrinal viewpoint, or cultural stance you were in or coming from. As children of God made in the image of God, we knew the act of giving was also an act of love. We became a unified body operating in love, and when unified the body of Christ accomplishes great things for the Kingdom of God.

It reminds me of Paul and Silas when they were arrested in Phillippi for their evangelism of the gospel. Paul and Silas were arrested and thrown into prison. While in prison they were put in the inner cell and their feet were fastened in the stocks. But the biggest mistake that the people who threw Paul and Silas into prison made was keeping them together. While Paul and Silas were in prison they were praying and singing hymns to God at midnight. The foundations of the prison were shaken, prison doors flew open, chains came loose, the jailer got saved and his family, and Paul and Silas were released.

This should teach us something about the power of unity. When two or more come together in unity, we can do great things for the kingdom of God. Paul and Silas were in the same prison, and God was with them! They came into agreement and started praying and singing priases, and then their whole situation changed! Also when we come into agreement online and offline, our situations will change as well! Our family members will get saved, we will see the shackles of demonic influence broke off our churches and our families. We will see financial bondage broken off our lives so we can be a channel of blessing to finance the gospel.

The enemy knows that the body of Christ is a dangerous force! The enemy knows that if we get unified we can do great things. Therefore, he trys his best to deceive and influence men's hearts into separation, and he loves to do it in church. He will influence sister bucketmouth to gossip, deacon joe to curse out an usher, and paster Moore to hold illwill towards his staff. However, through Christ we have everything we need to combat the enemy's devices. The enemy loves separation, but God loves unification undergirded by love. Love is the driving force behind unity, and love conquers separation and dissension!When we become unified in love, the enemy has to flee in Jesus name!

Hurricane Katrina brought out unity and compassion among the body of Christ. But we must not stop. Let's not wait for another tragedy to become a unified force that takes back our cities, states, and the nations for Christ! Let's get into agreement today!

Scripture Reference: Acts 16:16-38

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the power of agreement here on earth. It is my prayer that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, I come into agreement with my brothers and sisters that your power will be released through us to do great things for your glory. Father we become vessels so that we can be world-changers. We are taking back all that the enemy has stolen in Jesus name Amen!

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the most important and wonderful decision you could ever make in your life. If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life please pray with me: "Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins. Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all sin. Please come into my heart. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior and give my life to you. I love you Jesus. Amen." If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are saved and have a new beginning! Please email me at brandon_bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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