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Brandon Bracey's Seed Devotions!

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Aug 23, 2004 7:08 pm Brandon Bracey's Word Of Devotion For 8/24/04: Overcoming The Sign Of The Kiss.
Brandon Bracey
Devotion Title: Overcoming The Sign Of The Kiss
Scripture Amplified Bible: Matthew 26:48, " Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, The One I shall kiss is the Man; seize him"

Sally is now twenty six years old. She has been through so much in her life. Sally grew up in a broken home. Her father left home six months after she was born and her mother struggled to raise her. Sally's mother was depressed for many years until she met her new husband. After a while, Sally's mom's new husband became abusive toward her mom and then the unthinkable happened. At the age of five, Sally was sexually abused by her Stepfather.It all started when he came into her room and kissed her on the cheek. Sally was sexually abused from the age of 5 until the age of 7 when her stepfather was arrested. But the damage had been done. Now at the age of twenty six Sally still deals with wounds that have not healed from her childhood. The thoughts of being raped by her stepfather still haunt her at night. She is afraid to sleep with the lights off so she she keeps the lamp on. She went to see a counselor , but then went home crying when the counselor told her she must have done something to receive this abuse. This is one of the sad and unfortunate stories that is going on with women around the world. And in all this that happened the culmination was the sign of the kiss in Sally's room.

A kiss can be one of the most sensual things we ever get. A kiss can cause you to receive feelings that you never thought you could receive. A kiss can express an intimate bond that you have with another person. But a kiss can also be very seductive. And in this case, a kiss can also mean betrayal.

Judas was very close to Jesus and was one of the twelve disciples. He earned so much trust that he became the treasure. However, it was with a kiss that was the sign of the betrayal of Jesus. It was the kiss that Judas gave Jesus that gave him away. Judas was one of Jesus's disciples, which meant he walked with Jesus and was close to him. But in the end Jesus was stabbed in the back.

Just like Judas stabbed Jesus in the back, many women reading this have been stabbed in the back. Just like Sally you have gone through some pain. You may have been sexually, physically, or mentally abused by someone close to you. It may have been your husband, boyfriend, neighbor, or someone else, but you still have some wounds that have not healed. But I want to let you know that Jesus can heal you. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2: 24, " by his wounds you have been healed." You must understand that your past does not determine your future or your destiny. You may have been hurt, but Jesus has come to fully heal you! You do not have to live with the pain anymore! Love is not abusive. But God's love is perfect. The Bible says in Romans 8:38-39, " I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Nothing can separate you from the love of God! If you read this and are going through this and need someone to talk too, email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com. God loves you and so do I. You are an overcomer and you will win in the end!

Scripture Reference: Matthew 26:2-Matthew 27:5

Dear Heavenly Father,
All the hurt and pain I experienced in the past still haunts me, but right now I am claim I am healed in Jesus name. I know your word says in 1 Peter 2:24 that by your stripes I am healed. Therefore I believe it and receive it by faith right now in Jesus name. Holy Spirit please help me as I take off the robes of fear, hurt, and depression and put on the garment of praise and joy. I love you Lord! Thank you Lord for setting me free in Jesus name Amen!

If you have read this devotion and would like to accept Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior please pray with me:
Heavenly Father thank you for sending your only begotten Son Jesus to die for me. Lord Jesus I need you now. This world has nothing for me. I am tired of being frustrated, hurt, scared, and not knowing where I will spend eternity. Jesus I ask you to come into my heart. Cleanse me from all wrongdoing. Jesus I make you the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you Lord Jesus for a new beginning. In Jesus name I do pray Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer congratulations! You are born again and old things are passed away and you have a new beginning( 2 Corinthians 5:17)! Please email me at: Brandon_Bracey00@yahoo.com so I can assist you in your new beginning!

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